Our Funds

Please explore our funds and use the links below to access more information about each one. We use advisors that are both regulated firms and appointed representatives.

The World Carbon Fund invests globally into the most liquid, regulated carbon markets or Emission Trading Systems (ETS). The fund objectives are to generate absolute returns with a low correlation plus a direct impact on climate change. 20% of performance fees are used to purchase and cancel carbon. A $5 million investment may remove 1,000 tonnes of CO2 which represents the carbon footprint of approximately 100 European individuals or a family office. To stimulate a reduction in emissions, there must be a price placed on carbon emissions. “Cap and Trade” Emissions Trading Systems (ETS) force companies to include the cost of carbon into their production cost. The total amount of carbon in each market is “capped” and the cap is reduced annually, guaranteeing reductions.

Thornbridge is the sub adviser on the Galvanize Global Equities Master Fund LP. The Funds’ returns are driven by investing in equities of portfolio companies across global equity markets that the manager believes will either directly benefit from their participation in the energy transition contemplated under the Paris Agreement, or whose activities the manager believes will contribute to delivering the abatement required to meet the Paris Agreement targets.

The Hydrogen One Capital Growth fund is the first London-listed investment fund dedicated to clean hydrogen. The fund is targeting a diversified portfolio of hydrogen assets, from investible universe of c.US$90bn, offering distinctive liquid access to private equity, difficult to access elsewhere. Clean hydrogen has a key role in decarbonisation for the energy transition, and improved air quality and policy makers and industry are converging on clean hydrogen as a core technology to deliver Net Zero and improved air quality. The Paris Agreement has led >30 countries to set out hydrogen policies and US$70bn of funding as part of Net Zero targets. New legislation underpins future investment into hydrogen. The growth in wind and solar energy globally is a major energy supply for new green hydrogen projects, now.

The Levendi Thornbridge Defined Return Fund is an actively managed portfolio of defined return investments. The fund is advised and the strategy developed by Levendi Investment Management, a Thornbridge Appointed Representative. The fund aims to generate positive returns of GBP Deposit rates + 6% under most market conditions in the medium term, with less volatility than major global equity markets. The Fund holds a diversified portfolio of defined return investments. The performance of most of the investments is linked to the performance of the UK and other major equity market indices. It may also invest in structured investments that offer exposure to different asset classes, investment themes, strategies, geographies and markets.

The Thornbridge Global Opportunities Fund invests in company shares, selected bottom-up based on fundamental research and valuation. The research process that underpins the management of the Fund includes top-down and thematic idea generation. The stock research process is geared towards identifying higher quality company shares that generate positive and growing returns on invested capital, and yet trade at an attractive valuation. Portfolio construction is not constrained by reference to either geography or benchmark. The advisor on the fund is Laurium Capital.


The investment objective of the Thornbridge Nissay Japan Contrarian Value Equity Fund is to achieve capital appreciation over the medium-to long-term by identifying and acquiring Japanese equities which are believed by the Investment Manager to be significantly undervalued, with a focus on improving the environmental, social or governance credentials of those equities.

The investment objective of the Raynar Flagship Fund is to achieve capital growth over the medium term with an absolute focus on stock selection, unconstrained in its approach to building a high conviction portfolio of attractive risk vs return high conviction investments from across the UK equity market, with a likely predominance of small and micro sized companies. During periods with insufficient opportunities, unallocated capital will be preserved utilising the flexibility to invest in cash, beta hedging instruments and other asset classes.

The investment objective of the Raynar Enhanced Fund is to achieve capital growth over the medium term with a diversified and unconstrained multi-asset class approach to building a high conviction portfolio. The Fund may invest in, among others, mutual funds, investment trusts, listed equities and bonds with the aim of producing risk adjusted returns superior to those available in the broader UK equity market. The Fund aims to judiciously utilise leverage to enhance the diversification and return profile of the portfolio.

The WS Raynar UK Smaller Companies Fund will invest, directly and/or indirectly, at least 80% of the value of its assets in smaller companies that are incorporated, domiciled or have a significant part of their business in the UK.

The smaller companies will have a market capitalisation that is equal to or less than the largest constituent of the Deutsche Numis Smaller Companies plus AIM ex Investment Companies Index.

The Clearway Capital Partners Fund is a value-oriented and impact focused activist hedge fund focused on investing in Western Europe. The Fund adopts an opportunistic, bottom-up, value-oriented investment strategy, investing in a concentrated portfolio of Western European companies and taking a hands-on approach to share ownership, to catalyse changes that drive positive societal impact. The fund does not have a specific sector or industry focus, though seeks high-quality assets with predictable economics and sustainable competitive advantages or otherwise in situations with limited risk of permanent loss of capital. The Fund’s investment philosophy brings together quality-biased value investing with an event driven mindset, whereby Clearway seeks to act as a catalyst to unlock value through engaged share ownership.

“We really like the arrangement – Thornbridge sit as portfolio manager and we provide the investment advice.”

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